Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

I hope everyone has a good valentines today! Kyle and I spent our valentines yesterday. The day started off with going to my favorite stores in Downtown Anoka, The French Flea and The Wrens Nest. We found a couple of goodies including a lovely silver platter, a pair of shutters, and a little wood chair. These things are all going to be worked into my bathroom decorating somehow... I might paint the shutters white today... And they would be hung up a bit higher than that, but than I still have the challenge of figuring what to put in that space between them... Maybe a window? maybe some artwork like some old framed prints of birds seashells or flowers? I also want to get some little bottles and a small pillow to set on the chair.... Here is a picture of the whole bathroom kind of...
I have plans for this bathroom, We plan on having vinyl hardwoods installed. What you ask? Yes they make vinyl planks and they look amazingly real! And the best thing is they are amazingly water resistant... Which makes it the perfect alternative to get that wood look in the bathroom.. This is the link to it: CarpetOneEarthScapesBrand
I love the warm feeling wood will give to it over something like ceramic tiles.. which are really cool on the feet! And then of course we have eventual plans to put in a double sink in this bathroom since it is set up for it and than last I really want to put beadboard over the ceiling.. This one is a big iff but I love the look and think it would look great with the rest of the style of the bathroom..

But back to valentines. We went and saw valentines day the movie last night, cute flick, and than went downtown to the Melting Pot for dinner. The melting pot is a four course fondue dinner. It was so yummy!!!!! And then in spontanity we stayed downtown for the night at the Marquette hotel.. It was a great day!!!!!!!!!!I hope everyone else has a great Valentines too!

Lastly I will leave you some pics of my future projects and some decorating I have been doing lately..

Here is the Kitchen, The renovations include painting all the cabinets white, adding harware to them, and putting in new countertops, probably butcher block...

This is my scrapping room. So far we have painted the pink, put in the chandelier, and hung the curtains. Right now it is like the storage room, But i still need a desk and furniture for it anyways so once that happens it will get organized and set up. I am thinking of white painted furniture including a desk and hutch/shelf type thing and an old vintage chair or a slipcovered comfy jenny lund chair from ikea, like this: JennyLundChair

And last here are some pics of the new chandelier and new decor...

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